With the vast amount of crops that the Virginians would grow they constantly needed to expand their portions of land. Thus they moved westward into fresh, unsettled land where they could produce more crops. With the constant movement they would rarely mess with the deeds to the land. They also still followed the head right system after becoming a royal colony. But because Virginia had a better climate than Massachusetts they would grow more exotic crops.
This map would be useful to answering the question because it would display the negative effects of the Green Revolution visually and let me accurately compare the different regions and see where the consequences were worse. Some people would agree that the Green Revolution expanded agricultural supply and immensely benefitted farmers and the society as a whole (Docs 1, 2, 4). The technological advances that came along with the revolution helped with the growth of food production as well as world population by allowing farmers to manufacture an abundance of food suitable for more people. Since 1950, the wheat yields of Mexico and India multiplied about 4 times as much as the Green Revolution progressed (Doc 1). Because the Food and Agriculture Organization were the ones who
First of all, during the Industrial Revolution, there were a lot of positive effects on the society which made peoples’ lives easier and a better place to live. There were a lot of changes especially on agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, and technology. Before the Industrial Revolution, majority of people had to work on land to produce food for their living, or everyone would starve. However, as the Industrial Revolution started to take place, new farm technologies were invented which led to an increase in food supply, which in turn led to an ongoing population. In addition, the population increase provided many people in the factories with machinery which was much more easier to work.
The irrigation systems helped irrigate more than 667,000 acres and the Kuanchung land became fertile for many years. (Doc. 4) An additional document that would greatly help would be a record of how many crops were grown before irrigation systems in Kuanchung so that it can be compared to that of Kuanchung with irrigation, to see how much it increased crop growth creating agriculture surplus. The agricultural surplus also helped farmers set up small stores because of all the additional crops they grew, they could feed themselves and sell some for extra goods. (Doc.
Unlike the beginning of the century, the organic industry is now booming with higher demand from consumers. Consumers, nowadays, strive to be more environmentally friendly and this “green” trend started with consumers purchasing organic fruits and vegetables. This is evident when you compare the growth rate of organics from the beginning of production in the 1980s. Since that time, the organic industry has experienced a 3,400 percent increase in sales. The sales include “$35 billion in the U.S and $63 billion worldwide.” More information about the growth of the organic apparel industry will be found later in this report.
In America, more or less the same thing happened but in a more modern way since it was way after. That is to say that methods were also invented in order to raise the production of food. Some of these technological advancements would be the following: John Deere invented the steel plow and Cyrus McCormick developed the reaper. This improvement was one of the most important
“Cannabis has several industrial and commercial uses, as over 25,000 products can be made from the crop. The plant used in making marijuana has a ton of alternative uses, including construction & thermal insulation materials, paper, geotextiles, dynamite, composites for autos, and insect repellent.” (Messerli, 2011) The economy would have more money for more important things such as schools, helping the homeless off the streets, as well as helping when a natural disaster strikes the United States. The government could apply a tax to marijuana if legalized and this would bring in more money to the government instead of “dope dealers”, as well as it would stop a lot of the drug dealing going on. “It is estimated that pot is the largest cash crop in California, with annual
All of these issues helped to shape the American nation and its people. After the Civil War, the development of improved industrial methods and the arrival of masses of immigrants eager for factory jobs launched a new era of mass production in the United States. The nation turned its efforts toward economic recovery and expansion. America's abundant supply of natural resources, such as coal and oil, encouraged investment. Much of this investment came from already industrialized countries like Germany, Great Britain, and France whose business owners looked for new investment opportunities in the United States.
The green revolution is a name given to the approach that was developed by Norman Borlaug and others to increase the productivity of agricultural land in key countries of the world by educating farmers and introducing new technologies. Between the 1940s and 1960’s a range of techniques were introduced such as the increased use of fertilisers, irrigation, pesticides and new high yield varieties. The green revolution was arguably very successful in increasing food production across the world because the output increased considerably in the last 4 decades of the 20th Century. Most industrial countries achieved sustained food surplus by the second half of the 20th century and this eliminated the threat of starvation. However this wasn’t the case for all other countries because the advances of the Green Revolution were much slower in reaching developing countries.
Truthfully though the main reasons marijuana became illegal was due to false research and fraudulent research put in place because it threatened big business. As stated by the Washington Free Press “hemp is the number one biomass source on earth and could easily provide the US with all its oil and gas needs, thus ending America’s dependence on fossil fuels” if I were a big CEO in the oil business I sure wouldn’t want that type of competition. Also the fact that marijuana can create paper and is much more renewable than trees would put up a pretty hard competition in the paper industry(wafreepress.org) it only seem smart for businessmen in these and other markets to pick dirty schemes in order to remove marijuana from the market, rather than picking a clean fight that could of ultimately bankrupted