Hegel's Influence on Marx

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Hegel‘s Influence On Marx Karl Heinrich Marx was an influential philosopher, social scientist and revolutionary who is the founder of theoretical communism and the most important socialist thinker in the 19.century. Marx is inspired by three major traditions. These traditions are English economy, French socialists and German philosophers. According to these traditions, he forms his political philosophy. His political thoughts are very discussed and reviewed issue, even today. In order to understand Marx's political philosophy, we first need to understand George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’ ideas that are Marx’s primary philosophical influence. Hegel’s ideas were criticized and developed by Marx as much as they influenced him. These critiques and inspirations can be divided into three main subheadings: Hegel’s the Master and Slave chapter of the Phenomenology, the concept of concrete freedom, and Feuerbach’s transformational criticism of Hegel and its effects on Marx. Apart from these, in order to grasp all aspects of Hegel’s influence on Marx, I try to explain Marx’s thoughts on the Jewish Question. Hegel’s political philosophy begins with The Phenomenology of Spirit. This work is an explanation of the progressive development or evolution of something Hegel calls ‘’Geist’’ which is translated as either mind or spirit. We can think Geist as a universal mind, and all individual minds or consciousnesses are limited parts of it. Geist must evolve from its simplest and most primitive form to its most complex and sophisticated form; because it is in a state of alienation from itself and then returning to itself. According to Hegel, alienation is a situation in which something which is either ourselves or part of ourselves seems hostile, alien. The evolution of mind is an attempt to overcome alienation, and this happens only when mind becomes fully self-conscious of
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