Heart Burn Exemplar

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1.0 Background Information Heart Burn/acid reflux is a medical condition caused by stomach acid moving up into the oesophagus. The main cause of heartburn is when the lower oesophageal Sphincter (LOS), the LOS is a valve that is the way into the stomach. When this valve is weakened or relaxed the acid flows back up the oesophagus and this is known as reflux and in most cases causes heartburn. The chemical reaction for this experiment is; CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O 2.0 Aim, Hypothesis and Prediction 3.1 Aim – The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effects on heartburn when a tablet (TUMS) is at different temperatures. 3.2 Hypothesis – When the tablet is heated the particles move around faster dissolving the tablet. 3.3 Prediction – The hotter the tablet the faster the tablet will dissolve within the Hydrochloric Acid. 3.0 Experiment Design 4.4 Variables and Controls Type Of Variable | Independent | Dependant | Controls | Characteristics: | Temperature of Tablet | Time taken for acid to react with tablet | * Same size beaker * Same Stopwatch and timer * Same amount of hydrochloric acid * Same number of tablets | Reason | The difference in temperature has been changed deliberately with the Bunsen burner. | The time will vary due to how fast the hydrochloric acid breaks it down. | The variables must be controlled so the experiment is a fair test otherwise the experiment is not accurate. | 3.2 Equipment list -2m Hydrochloric Acid - 100mL beaker - Mylanta tablet -Stopwatch - Water - Bunsen burner -Gas -Tongs -Matches (light Bunsen burner) -Tongs 3.3 Safety Assessment See Risk Assessment sheet for safety hazards 3.4 Method - 20mL of Hydrochloric Acid was poured into a beaker - The 1st tablet was placed into the HCL and the time from star to finish

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