Healthy City Essay

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The health of city dwellers is a domain that has proven to be particularly difficult for the development of effective interventions. Cities' very size means that they often contain identifiable clusters of people with mental illness, physical disabilities, or those with such medical conditions as HIV/AIDS, asthma, and tuberculosis. Because of the great concentration of jobs, wealth, and other resources, large urban environments tend to attract large populations with health concerns, such as drug users, unemployed youth, homeless people, and refugees. These and other groups like them produce unique problems. In addition, cities present challenges and opportunities related to greater ethnic diversity, the influence of the built environment, concerns about transportation and mobility, and urban violence. However, in the past, the unique nature of cities and their impact on the health of their residents have been addressed in fragmented, often narrow ways. What is needed to improve health in cities is an approach that recognized the complexity of health and cities.1 This paper discusses two existing dominant approaches—the urban health approach and the Healthy Cities approach—and introduces a third, the health in cities approach. We will elaborate on the health in cities approach, which is motivated by providing urban health advocates and practitioners with a suggested framework for improving health in cities by going beyond the first two approach This approach to health in the urban context is largely oriented to diseases and at-risk populations. There are three major areas of focus. The following popper user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version. Destroy user interface control3 The first identifies and studies urban health problems and their distribution among various populations, the second

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