Health Promotion Dementia

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Devise a Health Promotion Strategy for an Identified Target group within Your Area of Specialist Community Practice.

For the purpose of this assignment the Nurse has been asked to identify, plan, implement and evaluate a health promotion initiative in response to an identified need in the practice area. During this assignment the Nurse will evaluate evidence-based for the chosen initiative, including a critical exploration of local, national and international policy and initiatives. The Nurse will also explore and provide critical analysis of the theories and approaches to health promotion. In accordance with NMC Code of Professional Conduct (2008) confidentiality will be maintained.
A Health Promotion project was developed to promote the knowledge and understanding of dementia for carers of people with a learning disability. The project would take place over a 5-week period at the local carer’s centre within the PCT. A group that met weekly was already established and additional flyers and information would be distributed at other carer’s centres and day centres within the PCT. The Nurse and another member of the Multi Disciplinary Team would present the sessions.
Health promotion is seen as an important aspect of nursing in raising awareness and responding to the health needs of individuals and communities (NMC 2004, NMC 2008). Health promotion has been defined as a concept that encompasses health education, heath awareness and health improvement, to empower individuals and communities to take control over the choices made to improve their health (UK DoH, 1999). The World Health Organisation neatly incorporates these ideas into their definition ‘Health Promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health.’ (WHO, 1984).
Health Promotion is not only concerned with direct support to individuals and communities, but

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