Health Information Exchange

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Health Information Exchange Professor Crossley Ebony Drummond October 21, 2013 Health Information Exchange The Electronic health information exchange helps medical professionals such as Nurses, doctors, pharmacist and other health care providers. This system also allows patients to properly access and safely shares the patient’s medical records efficiently, bettering speed, quality and the cost of patient care. Electronic health information exchange cannot replace intercommunication between the patient and the patient’s physician, but it can greatly improve the completeness of patients medical record in which cam effect the care positively, current medications and other information that is carefully abstracted during visits. Sharing patient records properly will better inform decision making at a certain point of care. This can allow providers to avoid re-admission, avoiding medication errors, lower duplication testing and improve diagnosis. If a practice successfully integrated faxing medical records, they may inquire, why they should switch over to the electronic health information exchange, but the betterment exist with information exchange regardless of the means which it’s transferred. The importance of electronic exchange is to standardization of data. This means, once the data is standardized, the data that’s transferred will simply be incorporated into the receiver’s Electronic health record also known as EHR in which this can better patient care. For instance, if a lab results for diabetes are received through the HIE system it can be fused into the providers EHR and a list of patients with diabetes can be created and the physician can conclude which patient have uncontrollably blood sugar and need schedule a follow up if needed. There are three key forms of health information exchange, which are, direct exchange, consumer-mediated exchange
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