Health Assesment Essay

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Health Assesment Essay Questions

Respond to each of the following questions with a narrative answer. (7 points each)

1. Briefly describe 4 types of data (database) used in health assessment. Subjective data- what the person says about themselves
Objective data- what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical exam.
The patient’s record and lab studies- The patient’s medical history

2. How are medical diagnosis and nursing diagnosis similar?

Nursing diagnoses are presents along with medical diagnoses to illustrate common abnormalities.

How are they different?

The nursing diagnosis is care-focused. The medical diagnosis is etiology (cause) focused. The medical diagnosis specifies the pathology, such as respiratory insufficiency from advanced tuberculosis, but the nursing diagnosis will focus on the impact of the signs and symptoms on the patient and his/her caregivers.

3. List and define 3 major theories on the ways in which people view the causes of illness.

Biomedical- it is based on the assumption that all events in life have a cause and effect, that the human body functions more or less mechanically, that all life can be reduced or divided into smaller parts, and all of reality can be observed and measured.
Naturalistic- These people believe that human life is only one aspect of nature and a part of the general order of the cosmos. They believe that the forces of nature must be kept in natural balance or harmony
Magicoreligious- These people believe that the worlds is seen as an arena in which super natural forces dominate. The fate of the world and those in it depends on the action of supernatural forces for good or evil.

4. Discuss ways you would modify your interviewing technique when working with a hearing-impaired person.

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