What does Confidentiality mean in the adult sector? In this type of setting we have to make sure that personal information about a service user should be considered as personal property and only to be known if needed. This would be in their best interest if personal information is passed on. Personal information should only be passed on to a professional or another person with a proven need then such information can be passed on. When to seek advice about confidentiality and where to go for help: -If a service user is being abused, physically or mentally.
(a) (b) (c) Information will be shared on a need to know basis - taking account of the best interests of the Service User. Confidentiality will not be confused with secrecy. Informed consent should be obtained but if this is not possible and other adults are at risk it may be necessary to override the requirement. Part 1 - Version 3 - July 2011 17 (d) It is inappropriate for agencies to give absolute confidentiality in cases where there are concerns about abuse, particularly, when other people may be at risk. 9.2 Any exchange or disclosure of information must be in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act.
This is particularly true in cases of suspected child abuse or when a child or young person is at risk. You should at all times tell the individual that you will not be able to keep confidentiality if they disclose something to you which you cannot keep to yourself for these reasons. Any adults who work with children and young people will come to know most of the personal information like date of birth, address and contact details and also sensitive information like behavioural issues, some medical information, family background, whether parents are divorcing and so on. It is the responsibility of the adult to keep this information confidential. They must protect the identity of the child they work with and that of their families and carers.
Define the term ‘Duty of Care’ A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on a carer requiring that they adhere to a good quality and standard of care. It is my duty to take care of vulnerable adults and to ensure that their needs and well-being are looked after. Although Health and Social Care Organisations have what is called ‘duty of care’ towards the people they look after, it is not only down to the care establishment to prioritise the safety, welfare and interests of the people using its services. It is also down to the care workers of the establishment. The employer also has a duty of care for staff members, to ensure that working conditions are safe, and suitable to deliver the service.
Such materials must be secured in the locked cabinet. I can only talk to the authorized personal about the confidential material. Such confidentially can only be broken when a child is at real risk. • Children’s wishes and feelings When carrying out observations I must consider the child’s wishes/desires and feelings if a child is upset or wants me to stop then I must stop the observation. It is important not to upset the child and cause the unnecessary disturbance.
1.2 Explain why it is important to have secure systems for recording and storing information in a Social care setting. It is important because any breach of personal information without consent is breach of the law data act 1998. Also privacy is very important to people and they don’t want their personal information getting into the wrong hands and being used against them or being a victim of identity theft. 2.1 Describe how to access guidance, information and advice about handling information. I would access guidance, information and advice about handling information from speaking to my manger and attending any training and reading the policy and procedures.
4.1 Explain the meaning of the term confidentiality? Confidentiality means not giving any information to anyone unless there is a reason to do so. It is the most important requirement for anyone who works in a care setting to be trustworthy especially when dealing with vulnerable adults. There is also a legal responsibility under Data Protection Legislation for any disclosure of information and a duty of care. 4.2 Explain ways to maintain confidentiality in day-to-day communication?
You need to address them in a way that will not upset them or make them feel unhappy. False hope False hope is when you tell someone something that will happen but is not true or you have no control over whether it happens or not. For example, telling someone that if they contribute to the study it will help in changing something. Anonymity Protecting someone’s identity is very important in a research project, if you have told the individual that identity is going to be kept a secret. You have to make sure that the identity will be kept a secret and not get out which will cause problems for u and the
It facilitates whistle-blowing, where an employee may require protection as a consequence of their actions to inform authorities of poor practice. Confidentiality is an essential principal of good care practice. It is about respecting people’s privacy and the responsible management of information about that person. However all organizations should draw their own policies and procedures on confidentiality and Data protection Act and ensure that all the staffs are aware of and have a better understanding of disclosing information. 4.2 Analyze the essential features of information-sharing agreements within and between
If a leader is lacking in interpersonal communication skills, the message is likely to be misunderstood, causing confusion among those who are following. In regard to the criminal justice system this type of miscommunication could result in the loss of a case, incorrect charges filed, and possible violation of code of ethics. Because the information an individual is in charge of in the criminal justice system often times is so sensitive the lack of interpersonal communication can result in the loss of a leader’s position within the organization. It is the best practice to develop or possess excellent communication skills and interpersonal communications if a leader