Health and Social Care Commication and Values

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Online Support for Centre Assessors (OSCA) Exemplar Material Exercise Applied GCE 6939 Health & Social Care Unit 2: Communication and Values Window 1, Exercise 1 First Published in September 2009 advancing learning, changing lives Training Exercise Portfolio Edexcel OSCA Training Exercise Portfolio 2011/12 PREFACE Exemplar Use Please note, that use of this exemplar material is restricted to your sole use in connection with your delivery of an Edexcel Limited qualification and programme. You may not sell, copy or distribute the exemplar material without express consent from Edexcel. Edexcel disclaims all liability in connection with any claims which may be brought against you for your unauthorized use of the work. Registering for the Exemplar Material Exercise automatically binds you to the terms and conditions stated above. Notes on the Exemplar Please note that: • • • The original portfolio work has been reformatted and condensed to reduce the file size and document downloading time. The portfolio exercises are original candidate work and may contain grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Some items may have been removed altogether, please refer to the notes by the Principal Moderator for specific references. Principal Moderator’s Notes on the Exemplar: Edexcel OSCA Training Exercise Portfolio 2011/12 Health and Social Care: Communication and Values Introduction In this portfolio I will demonstrate my knowledge of communication and the care value base, while analysing each of my interactions. The client groups/settings that I will choose from are: early years elderly specific needs the ill In comparing and contrasting my interactions with different client groups and their settings, I will be able to identify how we communicate with other's changes depending on the client group. After discussing each of my interaction individually and

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