Health and Socail Care Unit 1 P3

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Barriers to communication in a doctor’s surgery. Physical environment In a physical environment there are factors which can inhabit communication for example a lot of back ground noise can cause a barrier because the people having the conversation cannot hear each other properly meaning that information is not getting to each other. Back ground noise can be things such as a baby crying or a telephone ringing for example. A way to help a conversation could be if the people having the conversation were in a quiet environment, this will help those who are communicating because they can hear one another and won’t miss any of the information that is being said to them. An example of this could be in a doctor’s surgery, it is important to switch mobile phones off and to not be loud so the receptionist can pass important information on to people who need an appointment. Emotional factors In a one to one conversation it helps if two people are honest with each other, this is important because it means that they are being truthful with one another. This will help the conversation because nobody is holding back information. An example of this could be in a doctor’s surgery, if the patient is not telling the doctor all of his/her symptoms and is holding back vital information this can lead to a wrong diagnosing, this can be prevented if a patient is honest with the doctor. There may also be emotional factors that inhabit the conversation such as if the patient within the doctors surgery is shy, if the patient is shy it could make it difficult to keep the conversation going which may create an awkward atmosphere between the patient and the doctor. This also could make it difficult for the doctor to diagnose the patient because they are too shy to tell the doctor all of their medical problems. Social factors A way in which a conversation can be improved is by
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