Health and Hygiene

260 Words2 Pages
Outcome 1: Understand the importance of good personal hygiene. 1: Explain why personal hygiene is important. By having good personal hygiene an individual is reducing the risk that they may be affected by health issues such as skin complaints and bacterial or parasitic infections. As well as protecting an individual against physical infections, good personal hygiene can also make the individual feel a lot 'better' about themselves and will have more personal respect, which will improve their mental health. 2: Describe the effects of poor personal hygiene on health and well-being. Poor personal hygiene can expose an individual to a number of infections that can be severe if left untreated. These infections can affect anywhere on or inside the body, and can cause severe irritation or illness to the individual. As well as negatively affecting the health of the individual, they are likely to feel depressed about their situation and this will have a negative affect on their mental health as well. This can cause a spiral effect, as when a person is feeling depressed they are less likely to maintain themselves, so their personal hygiene will suffer more. If an individual has poor personal hygiene, they are also likely to effect the relationships that they have with friends/ family and others in society, as people may not wish to spend time in close proximity to them. This will also affect the individuals self-esteem, and can add to their depression. Sources;
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