Hassan's Story

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A. Baru is using surface markings to identify the gender of a skull. What two major types of surface markings do bones have? -Depression and openings -Processes B. Why are Liu and Hassan surprised to find a metopic suture on an adult skull? In which skull bone do metopic sutures occur? -Metopic sutures typically disappear between the ages of six and eight, the skulls that Liu and Hassan were that of young adults between the ages of twenty and thirty years old. Metopic Sutures are found in the frontal bone of the skull. C. What delicate skeletal structures are found inside the nasal cavity that might be missing from an excavated skull? -The structures that might be missing from an excavated skull would be the inferior nasal conchae, the vomer, and the perpendicular plate D. How would Hassan and his team be able to tell the ages of the skeletal remains of the women and the baby? -Hassan can tell the ages of the baby and the women by using the four kinds of sutures in the skull. They are: coronal suture, sagittal suture, lamboid suture, and squamous sutures, E. What features of the vertebral column would the larger skeleton in the sarcophagus show to indicate that it was female. -The feature about the spinal column that would indicate the skeleton was female is was the size of the vertebrae itself. Females tend to have smaller vertebrae the miles. F. What bone in the neck region other than cervical vertebrae may be damaged during strangulation or neck trauma? - The bone that can be damaged during strangulation other than the cervical bones is the Hyoid bone If the bones of a person found at the evacuation site were mixed up and out of sequence, how could the anthropologists determine which vertebrae were cervical, lumbar, or thoracic? -They can determine if they are lumbar, cervical, or thoracic vertebrae based on size, shape and physical
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