Has Christmas Lost Its True Meaning

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Christmas, a celebration which is widely regarded as the 25th of December. It is a festival in which Christians believe it is meant to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ whom they regard as the son of God. It seems to me though, that the festive commemoration has ‘lost’ its true meaning throughout time. I’m sure that Christmas is more than just a time of resting for adults, a time of presents for kids and a period of two weeks (in Britain) where people can ‘have a good time’ and receive overly expensive gifts. Even youngsters at the age of 5 years old are presented with gifts that are in unaffordable ranges for some families. It’s getting more and more ridiculous every year, the amount of kids that get phones, IPods’, laptops, TV’s etc. They are literally having no concept of money and their parents are simply teaching them nothing. Nowadays, I feel that Christmas is anticipated as a holiday period rather than a religious celebration. it’s only recently that children are being brought up not having a clue of the true meaning of Christmas. Only in small doses are the children preached the real meaning other than pampered with ‘pressies’. In places such as Hong Kong, Christmas is a prescribed public holiday. Hong Kong, despite being formally ruled by Christian colonial masters, has a large non Christian population. Wouldn’t it therefore seem strange, from a religious point of view, that in a state where the majority of the population is non-Christian, a Christian festival is being celebrated? It’s not just in Hong Kong though that Christian festivals are being celebrated when none of the people actually believe in Christianity. that’s the sad thing. not to mention, people use Christmas as an excuse to throw party’s and festivals. they take complete advantage of Christmas’ true meaning and most just wind up ‘hammered’ (drunk) or completely forgetting about the

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