Harriet Tubman Biography Essay

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Harriet Tubman was an extraordinary person. She is brave and did all she could to be the best person she knew how to be. She was born with the name Araminta Ross. She was born into slavery and therefore she started working at a very young age. As a child she received an almost deadly blow to her head that changed her life forever by her spending her life having seizures. Harriett married John Tubman in her early twenties. She was very much in love until the day when she thought she would be sold and split from her husband and family. John refused to escape with her and threaten her to not go but she did with her brothers in which her brothers later turned around and went back. She followed the north star to freedom. She made several…show more content…
Barton belived she could do anything a man could do and better. She did not like taking orders from male figures. Some may think she hated men at times. She never married and turned down many proposals. She attended the Clinton Liberal institute and learned a great deal about women’s right. She once wrote, "I must have been born believing in the full rights of women to all the privileges and positions which nature and justice accord her in common with other! human beings. Perfectly equal rights — human rights. There was never any question in my mind in regard to this.“ (Lafantasie, 2005, p.1). She began teaching at an early age at a free public school. After teaching there for a few years a man became the leader at the school and Barton quit. She later took a job as at the Federal Patent Office. The Civil War broke out and Barton really wanted to dress up like a man and fight right next to the men but decided against this. She want to be a nurse but decided she did not want to work under anyone and later decided to do her own thing and started going right on the field and taking care of the soldiers out there. She would feed them and heal them. She took up a donation of bandages and things. When the hospitals were out here comes Barton with her wagon of supplies to help out. She was so
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