The addressing of the media having a role in projection of a female athlete role interjects the media may not always send the best message concerning a female athlete, which is a message of femininity concerning the athlete. The interjection of the media cast typing how female athletes are always feminine no matter the sport you play; it will always have a feminine illusion of the female athlete. Society tells us that boys are the athletic ones and girls are beautiful. However, more and more women are making a living for athletic ability, most of the time because they are a beautiful athlete. Women athletes have made huge strides since Title IX but there is still room for improvement.
Over the years women have fought long and hard to be able to obtain and maintain legal rights and privileges that the male gender is born into. Females were molded and primed to play the part as an obedient wife and mother with instruction that your thoughts and opinions are kept to yourself. The perseverance of brave women helped today’s generation of women such as myself have the same equal rights as that of men. With all things you must have a burning passion in the pit of your belly to want to advance and defeat the injustice of this world. In order to put laws into effect there must be a group of people who all agree that new laws should be implemented because of majority vote.
However, the rights which were won seemed to exclude women. Many women did not like this and they wanted to be equal to men and they fought their own war of independence to receive that right. It started off small, but eventually grew into a big movement. Many average women would be remembered as someone great and their names would shine throughout history. One of these women was one known as Susan Brownell Anthony.
However they face the challenge and constant pressure to perform in all areas of their life whilst balancing domestic and corporate lives. This gives rise to the issue of being drained and burned out. Although women in the developed world have been blessed with more equal opportunities after generations of unfair inferiority, the pressure put on a society's women to be perfect at whatever they are expected to do is huge. Even with the enormous developments that have been made over decades, women must still constantly fight for the right to create their own identities, no matter where they're from or what they believe in. They strive to be like their precedents and in the bargain lose their self-identity.
Should women be allowed into combat? The role of women is more defined in our society curently. Actually, women take part in many fields in this life that they did not allowed to get in before such as: voiting, running for presidence, join in the government staffs or army as well. Women in combat is one of the most hottest topics to day. There are some arguments that being combat is just only for male and women should be banned from military jobs.
She became extremely uncomfortable with the tensions between her sister, the thought of her husband in combat at war, and the expectations of the team. She often complained that the “game” was becoming too hard and Dugan reminded her that it is suppose to be that way or else everyone would do it. “The hard is that makes it great.” (Marshall) Dottie refused to see how special and important her opportunity was. The entire league viewed her as the most talented player and this made her uncomfortable appearing as being #1 and the pressures that came with that. On the other hand, Dottie’s sister Kit represented the “fear of failure” athlete.
A Closer Look Into the Middle Ages During the Middle Ages, in a time where religion dictated society, women were affected greatly. They were restricted in numerous ways having strict policies pertaining to music, ministry, education, and their role in their communities minimizing their opportunities to reach their full potential. Nevertheless, many distinguished women found ways to prosper. One women in particular, Hildegard von Bingen, had a different perspective and attempted to break this gender barrier that women in the middle ages dared to overcome. The Medieval period was a time where men were perceived as superior in comparison to women.
Women in The Count of Monte Cristo “Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, "She doesn't have what it takes." They will say, "Women don't have what it takes”. This quote strongly reflects how when were thought of in the 1800s. Women in the 1800s were considered weak links; they were supposed to depend fully on their husbands for survival.
CHAPLIN TO CHURCHILL INTRODUCTION There was a time when women used to face many problems while living in the society. However, this trend has been changed but women have to follow various tactics in order to maintain harmony in the society and to stay at par with men. It took a lot for them to resolve the struggles of equal rights and to implement the same in real world without giving rise to any controversy. A few years ago women were never seen in influential roles due to many discriminatory factors but now the whole era has been changed and many women can be seen performing really well even better than men. This only has become possible due to the hardships faced by women in old times and how they fought for their rights
Women Rights are Still Oppressed Victoria Hardy Brandman University Woman Rights are Still Oppressed Dating back centuries ago women freedoms of expression throughout history have always been oppressed of inequality. Woman recognition in Art, Textbooks, History, Literature and rights to Vote has always been an up struggle to be recognized for being talented by the world. Not just an equal part to men but to also be empowered to be great human beings in a male dominated world. For century’s woman have fought long and hard to be considered to be equal. History has unveiled the years of sacrifices woman before my time had to endure to help young woman like myself to stand up for what we believe in today.