Happiest Place Essay

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The Happiest Place Disneyland has been a happy place of entertainment in California since 1955. However, media coverage regarding the park has not been the same and has changed drastically between opening day and current multibillion dollar corporation. There have been several deaths in the park and only a few of these incidents have been proven to be the park’s fault. This Disneyland ad features a happy family having a great time, where most Americans would consider spending quality time with the family, drinking refreshments and cookies that most families now a days cannot afford, stars floating around them and underneath words that say, “ Where dream come true.” Disneyland has developed an image campaign that insures the park is continuously the happiest place to visit. Disneyland has created two separate departments within the company designed to deal with public relations and media. Public relations department focuses on positive public relations issues in order to please the media and ensuring that stories which positively impact the park are well broadcasted. The way that this ad chooses to place a white family speaks loud about American society in the middle of the twentieth century, a white family in which leaves out the other ethnic families. Perhaps, what today’s society consider to be the minority? This ad reflects that most white families get to travel and experience financial freedom by purchasing expensive cookies and refreshments. Although there have been investigations behind these tragedies, investigators understand the park’s attempt to keep visitors happy and unaware of incidents, there should be same type of alert of not only mechanical problems but the unpleasant side of visiting Disneyland. To maintain “The Happiest Place” image, Disneyland must continuously present the media with new information. The same way they advertise the

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