handicapped integration in society

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Our society, our technology and our world have such a radical change that would have been unthinkable a few centuries. Freedoms, rights and opportunities that previous generations never had. Life expectancy, leisure, culture and access to quality education alone are comparable to those enjoyed by the higher social strata of the past. All this, together with all the advantages that give us new technologies, communications, transportation, medicine and surgery, entertainment ... in short, our quality of life. This, for centuries, would have seemed a pipe dream. Therefore, we have been fortunate to be part of this society that gives us, a vast majority, all these improvements. Unfortunately, not all countries enjoy the same fortune, and even within our own remains to be done. Discrimination and social exclusion, inequality and difference of work opportunities are still present in our country. We have inherited numerous advantages that others could not enjoy and it is our responsibility to contribute and to continue this trend, which sometimes seems in danger. Health and public education, equality of all before the law work, and aid to the poor so they can also enjoy the same opportunities. Discrimination based on gender, racial or social tasks are awaiting our society and the responsibility to make it possible for people with physical, mental, or ill immigrants can integrate fully into society, respect and acceptance for others, contributions in work and enjoy the same quality of life enjoyed by others. During several weeks, the talk made me think he was more focused on people with a mental disability, their integration into society as different people, but people in the end or quality of life (including leisure). In my view, the services targeted at this group have made great progress over the past, an increasing number of new entrants to the task of improving

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