Essay On Justice And Revenge In Hamlet

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Hamlet: Justice or Revenge In the era portrayed in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, justice is mostly carried out by oneself and not the court of law, and it is a thing of honor to avenge the death of a loved one. However, Hamlet’s quest for justice over his father’s murder does at some point turn into personal revenge, as he wants to have vengeance on his uncle in ways that become more personal. Hamlet loses track of the main reason for wanting his uncle dead and hatred grows for Claudius, his uncle, such that he wants to make sure that Claudius does not go to heaven when he dies. His uncontrollable emotions show when he kills Polonius and does not care about his actions. Hamlet even seems to have forgotten the main reason why he is avenging his father’s death. Hamlet makes many decisions from not killing Claudius while he was praying to killing the innocent Polonius, and disobeying his father’s ghost’s instructions by tormenting his mother, and Laertes can be seen as the very opposite of Hamlet because he is everything that Hamlet is not. Hamlet’s delay of vengeance can also be seen as another…show more content…
Hamlet kills Polonius behind the tapestry because he suspects that it might be Claudius, but when he unveils the body and discovers that it is Polonius, he shows no sign of guilt at all. He acts like he is “convinced that he is the complete master of an obviously unhealthy situation” (Prosser Pg. 125). A person who wants nothing more but justice for the death of a loved one would feel bad for killing an innocent person during the process, but that is not the case with Hamlet. He shows no sign of guilt or remorse towards the death of Polonius, because he is clearly past the point of justice and is seeking revenge. He does not even treat Polonius’ corpse with respect as he sees him as a rat and says to the corpse “thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell”

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