Hamlet Delays?

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Hamlet Essay They say that the best recipe for revenge is a big bowl of success. For Prince Hamlet, his recipe for revenge was handed down by his dead father, King Hamlet’s ghost, “So art thou to revenge when thou shalt hear (Greenblatt 132).” Although King Hamlet has a little different idea for what his recipe for revenge consists of. He tells Hamlet, “revenge his foul and most unnatural murder,” because Claudius murdered him in such an unjust way like poisoned while sleeping, that he wants, more so demands, that Hamlet do the same to Claudius as was done to him: death by murder (Greenblatt 132). This puts Hamlet in quite the predicament. His father’s ghost has enlisted him to carry out a murder that Hamlet cannot be sure to be true quite yet. More so, the ghost made him swear by sword to carry out the deed. There is only one thing to do now, hop in Dr. Brown’s delorean to the mid 1880’s and steal Sherlock Holmes’ deerstalker and pipe for a sleuthy investigation. Okay not literally because that is impossible, but the point is that Hamlet does not want to be known as a murder for he is fearful of purgatory. Therefore he must figure out if his father’s ghost is telling the truth through an ongoing investigation before enacting on the revenge request, thus delaying said request for the first time. With that being said, is Hamlet a play driven by revenge if he spends the play consistently delaying its course of action through his own adversities? Enter “The Murder of Gonzago” as a ploy to hopefully convince Hamlet that Claudius was the true murderer of his father. This play reenacts the poisoning of Hamlet’s father in a similar way. Using Claudius’s reaction to the play as a basis in order to determine the truth behind his father’s ghost, “where I’ll catch the conscience of the King (152).” Based on Claudius’s reaction to the murder, “Give me some

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