Hagia Sophia Essay

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SACRED SPACES AP Art History Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. Hagia Sophia (Istanbul), 532-537 1. “Justinian focused his building and renovation campaign on the capital of the Eastern Empire, Constantinople, but little remains of his architectural projects or of the old imperial city itself. A magnificent exception is the Church of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom). This church replaced a fourth-century building erected during the reign of Constantine’s son and successor in the East, Constantius II, after the old church was destroyed during riots in 532. Spurred by Justinian’s religious and political foes, the excitable crowds at a racetrack close to the imperial palace took to the streets. They set fire to the church, and soon half the city was destroyed. The empress Theodora, a brilliant, politically shrewd woman, is said to have spurred Justinian to resist the rioters saying, ‘Purple makes a fine shroud’- meaning that she would rather die an empress (purple was the royal color) than flee for her life. Taking up her words as a battle cry, imperial forces under Belisarius crushed the rebels. As soon as order was restored, Justinian and Theodora embarked on a building campaign that overshadowed any in the city since the reign of Constantine two centuries earlier” (Stokstad, Art History 309). 2. “Justinian chose two scholar-theoreticians, Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, to rebuild Hagia Sophia as an embodiment of imperial power and Christian glory. Anthemius was a specialist in geometry and optics, and Isidorus a specialist in physics who had also studied vaulting. They developed a daring and magnificent design. The dome of the church provided a vast, golden, light-filled canopy high above a processional space for the many priests and members of the imperial court who assembled there to celebrate the Eucharist” (309). “The new

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