HCS 440: Changes In The Healthcare Industry

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Health Care Industry Paper Angie Cole HCS/440 September 10, 2012 H.C. Alonge Health Care Industry Paper Since 2002, there have been many changes in health care. The biggest change has come in the area of technology. Gone are the days of paper medical records. Today the healthcare industry has electronic medical records. Practices are moving from small clinical practices to specialty practices. Practices are moving from the fee-for-service method to the performance-based environment. The clinical setting is changing. Single or two physician practices are moving toward mid-sized specialty clinics. These changes play a large role…show more content…
With this change, clinics and hospitals are upgrading their computer systems. The modern electronic health record must cover the basics such as personal information, patient encounter information and billing information. The new electronic health records must be efficient, insightful, and work along with clinic workflow. The less obtrusive the system, the less resistance it will meet from users. The electronic health record should allow the physician to order labs, send electronic prescriptions, ordering x-rays and other imaging services. Along with the ability to help the physician take care of the patient, the electronic medical record should also help with billing insurance and getting authorizations when necessary. Lab and imaging results should with the electronic medical record so the physician will have the results in one…show more content…
I would like to work in the electronic medical records division of a major hospital. If this is not an option, I would really like to be a patient advocate. I think that many times our elderly are taken advantage of because they do not understand exactly what is happening to them. If I am given a leadership role, I would expect the highest quality of work from my employees as well as a high standard of ethics. There are too many implications involved if a patient’s rights are abused. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is set as a standard for all healthcare personnel to follow. I hope I have covered a few items that have changed within the last 10 years in healthcare. I am sure we have not even begun to see what is in store for us. I am excited about the opportunity to give back to the profession that has saved many lives and will continue to do

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