But the ban is not the answer. It’s not the assault weapons fault. The Bushmaster .223-caliber model XM15 rifle did not walk onto the property of Sandy Hook and kill those innocent children and people, the person did. There are other logical ways to prevent and stop violence. Gun control may be an issue on streets with minors, or people with criminal backgrounds, but it starts with people.
As the saying goes where there's a will there’s a way. No legitimate study in the US has ever shown that gun control has any positive impact on crime. There are many people who believe that a handgun can save your life, but there are also people who believe that they are just used for bad guys to kill. The Constitution states that we have the right to keep and bare arms, but there are some groups that have decided
Nick Hasch Gun Less is Defenseless Have you ever heard The Right to Bear Arms"? This is the second amendment of the Constitution. Some people say that owning firearms is a privilege, but it isn't it a right given to us in the constitution. The second amendment states that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". (Jordan).This means that the people of the United States have the right to own firearms and that this right shall not be taken away.
Many states have created have laws preventing any felons from using or owning guns of any type. On top of this there are locations where guns are not allowed. With this there is also a ban on the dangerous assault weapon. Many of the gun enthusiast provide a middle ground. The say that what is a good idea is not the blanket ban of guns, which is unconstitutional because of new meaning of the second amendment, but rather a continuation of the current limits of guns and gun owners.
Caleb Gibson Miss Jackson Composition 27 March 2015 Let Us Carry Firearms have been apart of our nations culture for more than one hundred years now. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that firearms cam be lethal and can pose a serious threat to the public at hand. That is why the United States has come up with various gun laws to stop harm coming to their public. Some of these laws give people the right to own guns such as "citizens of the United States have the right to bear arms" (US Constitution Second Amendment.) Some of these gun laws take away that right such as "convicted felons are banned from possessing firearms or ammunition."
If there were stricter gun laws in place how are people suppose to feel safe in their homes. Criminals are called criminals for a reason they do not live their life with respect to laws, they always find a loop hole to get what they want. “Gun free zones do little to protect law-abiding citizens, law abiding citizens do not carry guns in these areas, but criminals do; this will only make soft targets for criminals and increase the chance of violent crimes” (2010). Everyone has a constitutional right to bear arms, and legislation will only be taking away the rights of people to protect themselves. Everything can be posed as a threat not just gun, “In 2013 there have been killing sprees with knives and bombs at the Boston Marathon; three people were killed and 264 were injured when the Tsarnaev brothers set two bombs and a student in Houston
I believe that gun control laws are unconstitutional. Gun Control laws are only taking away our rights given to us in the second Amendment of the Constitution which are protected by the fourteenth Amendment. Forcing people to have background checks before purchasing a gun or making assault weapons illegal will not lower the level of crime that is caused by guns. These laws will only affect law abiding citizens of the United States. Why would a criminal follow gun control laws if he or she is already going to break the law to commit a crime?
Do they think that the criminals are going to give up their firearms just because it’s “illegal” to possess them? If current gun control laws put forth by this administration were enacted, law abiding citizens would be the only unarmed population in this country. This would work out well for the criminals who want to take our wallet of rob your home. We as a people need to stand up and let our politicians know that we are more protected when we are allowed to protect ourselves. If the aim of our government is to protect our schools, then why not post an armed serviceman at ever school.
What we are asking for is more background checks and more laws to make it harder for guns to end up in the wrong hands and the people that want to cause harm to others. One key item that studies have found that gun control laws affect the use of specific guns in violent crimes, but do not affect the crime rate itself. This is true to some extent, and what we want is mass shootings to end. This will not stop criminals and mentally ill people from buying guns on the streets. Yes, true but if we gun owners are responsible gun owner, and we do the right thing we can stop guns from reaching the streets.
Other firearms such as short-barreled shotguns and rifles, parts of guns like silencers, as well as other "gadget-type" firearms hidden in canes and such were also targeted. All gun sales and gun manufacturers were slapped with a $200 tax (no small amount for Americans mired in the Great Depression; that would be like a tax of $2,525 today) on each firearm, and all buyers were required to fill out paperwork subject to Treasury Dept. approval.” This law came about as a result of increase in violent crime involving guns and was meant to try and curb the trend at that time. 30 years later came the Gun control Act that came into effect after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, assassinations of Martin Luther King and presidential candidate Robert