Gun Control Laws Are Ineffective

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Gun Control Laws Are Ineffective Tracy M. Turner Gun Control Laws Are Ineffective In the wake of horrific shootings across America, more and more leftist politicians and commentators are calling for stricter laws on gun control. Certain gun control laws are in place in some states and in other countries, but are they actually putting a dent in crime? Limiting a citizen's right to bear arms violates our second amendment freedom and puts the unarmed person in danger by giving the criminal the advantage of owning a weapon. Gun control has proven ineffective in deterring crime. The Brady Bill imposes a five-day waiting period on the acquisition of firearms. During this period, background checks are ran on the persons purchasing the weapon. If the buyer is found to be mentally unstable, a convicted felon or otherwise dangerous, the gun will not be sold to them. Gun control activists argue that this waiting period reduces the chance of a passion crime or suicide by providing a cool down period for the would-be assailant. Waiting periods do not attack the root of the problem. Statistics indicate most criminals will not wait to purchase. One of the most impressive and significant statistics in analyzing the use of weapons by criminals is the result of a 1985 study by the U.S. Justice Department. According to their findings, only twenty one percent of handgun purchases by felons were through retail gun dealers. Gun shops and outdoor outlets are not the preferred place for criminals to obtain a weapon. Gun shops are sources for law-abiding citizens to make their purchases. Citizens who own and carry a gun are themselves a deterrent to violent crimes. Professors James D. Wright and Peter Rossi of the Social and Demographic Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts were of the opinion that strict gun control deterred

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