Growing Up Online

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Growing Up Online Ever since we were born, we have always been connected to the Internet. Although internet seems to be ‘the way of life’ today, many adults are worried about what their kids are doing online. The world that they grew up in is completely different from the one that their kids are growing up in. Two to three decades ago socializing was meeting up with a friend for lunch or coffee, going to the museum or shopping with friends and family. In short, socializing meant sharing the same space. Today we are more technologically savvy. Instead of waiting for occasions to spring up and block the day in ones diary to socialize, we find it easier to socialize via cell phone, computer, etc, whenever, wherever and to how many ever people at the same time. It is much easier to communicate online. Let’s say I was throwing a birthday party that involved inviting hundreds of people. My mom would have called each person personally. Imagine how much that would take. Maybe days! And in the process she may have missed a few people who we are not close to but are important part of our life. I wouldn’t do that. I would send a mass text, Facebook invite or email inviting all my friends. That message will probably take me 10 minutes, maybe less than that. Communication is quicker and to the point with faster feedbacks. Just because kids spend most of their time in front of the TV screen, adults call them lazy and anti-social. Just because kids refuse to do household chores doesn’t make him/her lazy. In fact it is productive if one can sit on a chair all day and get things done. For example, by reading e-news one would not only save money on newspaper but also is acting environmental friendly. It is like saying why should I buy a ticket with connecting flight when I can get a straight flight for the same price. I call current generation ‘the shortcut generation’. We like
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