Growing Up In Lynnfield Summary

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Introduction: I live in Lynnfield, Massachusetts which is pretty all white suburban town. The assignment is to write a firsthand account of how human interactions in your community have been racial community, and seeing that the town I live in is basically an all-white community I decided to write my “reality story” about the city that I grew up in which is Lynn, Massachusetts. So I hope you indulge yourself in listening to my story. Although, Lynn and Lynnfield are directly next to each other they are vastly different. Growing up in Lynn, Mass people did look like me, but you have to understanding that was only in certain parts of Lynn. Lynn was, and is, divided into 3 sections, West Lynn, East Lynn, and the commons area. In West Lynn…show more content…
Yes, texts and work manuals contain information by and about people like me. They also represent people who are different from me, though I do not feel they are often written by people who are different from me. For example, take our history books, they discuss the Native Americans, Spanish, Europeans, and other nations, however; who tells these stories? White Americans, none of our text in our history books is written from their point of view. History books have always been a one sided story, and I for one would like to see that changed. Let people tell their own story and history. Not someone else's view of it. Again, when my fiancé and mother responded to this question is was very limited. My fiancé's response was: "Yes they do" (Jack Parsons, personal communication, August 2007). My mother's response was a simple "Yes" (Kathleen Riddell, personal communication, August 2007) they did not feel any need for further elaboration. Do the local media represent people like you? If so, in what ways? On this one, I would have to agree with my fiancé. The local media seem to represent only their own interest, and what sells, by exploiting people like others, and me who are not like me. My fiancé's response was: "Local media only represents themselves and their own opinions and views." (Jack Parsons, personal communication, August 2007). My mother's response was "Would not know, have never dealt with the…show more content…
Do you feel minority group interests are represented within your community? Most of the people in leadership positions are White and have the same religion. The differences are in the way the treat and understand people of the same or different cultural, ethnic, religious, and racial backgrounds. I definitely believe that minority group interest is represented sometimes to the detriment of both minorities and non-minorities alike. Sometimes we tend to treat minorities like our children. We want to protect them and give them every opportunity but without them earning them or learning to fall and pick themselves backup sometimes, we are truly doing them more harm than good. My fiancé and mother's views are similar and different from mine. My fiancé's response to this question was: "Minority groups are the only ones who receive representation. The difference between me people in leaderships positions are salary, and their lack of brains." (Jack Parsons, personal communication, August 2007). My mother's response was: "They tend to do for the well off or whites better than the lower class or minorities except for welfare and in that respect blacks rule." (Kathleen Riddell, personal communication, August 2007). If you could resolve any inequities within your community, what would you change? How and why? The inequities within my community can only be changed when

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