Growing Up Essay

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Essay - Growing up "Grow Up"! An often used comment then a person is acting immaturely or if someone thinks you are not acting your true age. Of course it’s not possible to grow up any faster, but many people consider themselves as being "grown up" or more mature than others. All through life most people cannot wait for the chance to become a “grown up”. It’s a chance to have more fun and have opportunities to do things that were always looked upon as being mature. Like all children, when I was growing up, all I ever wanted to do was to be “big”. I always kept a close eye on my role models (my parents) and always tried to do anything they did. Then I get older I still wanted to be mature, but I didn’t wanted to be like my parents. I thought they were acting stupid and overprotecting. But now I see that the skills I learnt and the attitude I acquired from a young age would be of immense help to me later in life. Childhood is the most innocent phase of man's life. With the passage of time, it fades into adolescence and adulthood. Yet the sweet memories of childhood linger on. My childhood recollections are those of a sheltered and carefree life, nurtured with love and concern. I look back at a time of being 5 years old and dressing up in my mother’s clothes in order to feel like a grown movie star. With high heels that were too big and a dress with a waistline that came down to my toes I always thought that being a grown up would not come soon enough. People grow up and before they know it, they’ve lost all memories of when they were children. It’s not every day that a person has a memorable experience or event happening to them. I admit I have memories of when I was young but there is only so many I can remember. I’ve dad many childhood experiences, a few stick out more than others, experiences I still remember this day. Actually I don’t remember my
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