Grief and Loss

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PART A: Choose two differing models of grief, including one post-modern or constructionist approach. Describe briefly the similarities and differences between the two models and critically reflect on the adequacy of each for conceptualising the grieving process. PART B: Briefly describe a loss experience of one person you have had contact with. Reflect on this event and discuss what you noticed about it. For example: * Was it a primary or secondary loss? * If it was a primary loss, what secondary losses accompanied it? * When did it occur developmentally? * Was it sudden and unexpected? Anticipated? Traumatic? * What socio-cultural and familial factors influenced the experience? * Was the individual’s grief acknowledged and supported by others or disenfranchised? PART C: Describe which model (or models) of grief help/s you understand this loss experience. Analyse why this model (or models) of the grieving process is helpful, using references. Counselling for Loss and Grief Introduction Usually loss and grief is studied by both psychologists and psychiatrists and consider grief and loss to be an emotion which is situated within the individual’s physical body. However grief and loss is not limited to being a behavioral expression and is extended to be guided by an individual’s culture and social structure. Considering these facts in the following sections of this paper I will present an overview about the major theories of grief and loss and their relevance in understanding the emotion and an analysis of some of the key models of grief. Part A Theories of Evolution of Grief and Loss Until relatively recently grief and loss was not a focus of scholarly attention, in fact Freud was one of the first academics to address grief and loss, an emotion which has been experienced since the beginnings of human attachment and
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