Greece and Rome: Ancient Cultures and Their Impact on Modern Society

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Abstract The cultures of Greek and Roman society have had a great impact on modern culture in many European countries and in the United States. The two societies of Greece and Rome are both similar and different in the ways that they raise their children, regard their women, oversee politics, and live their daily lives. Though the two civilizations peaked in power thousands of years ago, the impact they have left on modern society in areas of literature, law, and the arts will continue to exist in current cultures today. Greece and Rome: Ancient Cultures and their Impact on Modern Society Two Civilizations Throughout civilization there have been many cultures that have had a profound influence on modern day society. These civilizations have, for the most part, seen a rise and a fall; though they may be less powerful or non-existent today, they were great in their prime. Two such civilizations are the Greek civilization and the Roman civilization. The Greek culture and the Roman culture are both similar and very different. Both civilizations had a great impact on today’s society, and though they are quite different in many aspects, they also impacted each other’s culture, as well. Greek Culture Aristocracy and noblemen. The beginnings of the Greek culture started with a very noble mindset. Aristocrats in the Greek civilization began to adopt an idea of the way humans should behave in society and in the home. These ideas and practices trickled down from the noblemen to the common citizens. Those men who were considered the “elite of the race” were taken aside and taught the ways of this ideal man (Jaeger and Highet, 1973, p. 4). The perfect human was characterized as being arête, which translates as a combination of proud and noble with a “warlike valor” (pg. 5). For the men of Greece, exceptional strength and skill were the basis of a strong leader. The Greek
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