Great Gatsby Inventory Sheet

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Title: The Great Gatsby Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) Genre: Jazz age Novel Setting: West egg; East egg; New York City; Valley of Ashes; Roaring Twenties time period Point of View: Third person Tone: Nicks feelings toward Gatsby change throughout the story depending on the actions of Gatsby. At some points Nick admires Gatsby and at other points he hates him. Characters: Nick Carraway- The narrator and man who befriends Gatsby. Unlike Gatsby, Nick is a reasonable and logical thinker. Jay Gatsby- A mysterious man who gained his money illegally. His tragic flaw is his love for Daisy Daisy Buchanan- The wife of Tom and lover of Gatsby. Daisy is careless and cares too much about money and bases all of her choices on it. Tom Buchanan- The aggressive and careless husband of Daisy. He has a strong hatred for Gatsby and plans on finding out who Gatsby really is. Myrtle Wilson- The wife of George and mistress of Tom. She is run over by Daisy in Gatsby's car George Wilson- Husband of Myrtle. He kills Gatsby and then kills himself. Jordan Baker- Friend of Daisy and Nick. She had a thing with Nick. She is a professional golfer and compulsive liar.  Meyer Wolfsheim- The shady business partner of Gatsby. Themes: -Reality of the American dream -Often ends in failure -Difficult/impossible to reach them -Questions whether the American dream has a worthy objective; 20th century dream is tied up with money -Should be commensurate with man's capacity to wonder -Collision of reality and illusion/dreams -American class system -The past is inescapable; it can't be recreated -Jazz age -Carelessness -Admirable qualities of Gatsby -Loyalty -Colossal vitality of his dreams -Romantic readiness to the possibilities of life -Extraordinary gift for hope -Seductive power of wealth and security -Money is not a guarantee of happiness Literary Features:

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