Grab Taxi Essay

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You will never have to flag a taxi again, just two taps of an application and a taxi comes straight to you. Technology aims to make our lives better, easily and of course help us to do more. Grab taxi is a new innovative application that allow you to book a taxi immediately or in advance.The appplication will assign a driver for you and you can share your location with others.Unfortunately the 25 bath additional payment is quit expensive and the application is mainly in English; and being a new application there are still some flaws.Regardless,Grab taxi is a convenient and safe for users a new channel for taxi drivers agument their income. As of right now,getting to our destination by taxi is harder than before because many taxis reject passengers. According The Land Traffic Act section93 it states that "Driver of a taxi shall not refuse to accept employment convey passengers,except when such conveyance is likely to cause to himself or the passengers.” Despite the laws and regulations,enforcing every taxi to act according to the law is a tough task since the policeman are outnumbered by taxis in areas of Bangkok. From our experience,during prime time , taxis around Platinum Shopping Center will not accept Thai people since they will bargain with foreigners to pay them as whole trip price. Therefore.Technology has a major role in addressing this problems and also helping passengers. "It will automatically detect your current location,so you share destination and they will assign the nearest driver for you. It will estimate a time that you're going to get the taxiand also estimate metered fare. Once you use this application ,you will know within one minute whether you will have a taxi or not," explained Vee Charununsiri39,ganeral manager of Grab Taxi. "Who knows a normal application on iPhone will be able to provide me a good service ,"said Anusara

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