Google China Social Innovation Cup For College Stu

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"Google China Social Innovation Cup for College Students" is a nationwide competition that aims to empower China’s youth to become agents of social change. By soliciting project ideas from college students and funding viable proposals, google hope to instill in China’s future leaders the values of social responsibility, the importance of community welfare, and the spirit of self-empowerment. Among all colleges and universities that participate in the competition, 100 of them that top in the number of proposal submission will share 500 Google "Campus Volunteer Stars" Scholarships every year. Social issues addressed have included education, poverty alleviation, disability aid, healthcare, women and children, arts and culture, and community development. Through project evaluation, mentorship and funding, google hope play a role in driving true social innovation in China. The first Social Innovation Cup in 2008 achieved resounding success, with over 6000 applications from 755 colleges and universities, among which 1245 proposals from 375 schools entered into the semi-finals. At the same time, over a thousand volunteers from more than 500 schools were mobilized to support the effort. Of the 124 projects that entered the final, 32 were ultimately selected for awards ranging from 10,000-80,000 RMB (USD 1,460-11,700). The second Social Innovation Cup in 2009 continued to gain awareness among college students with 6,252 applications from 766 colleges and universities, among which 1,181 proposals from 377 schools entered into the semi-finals. 29 proposals were selected as the winning projects who received Google's funds to run their projects during the summer of 2009. In 2010, the competition has entered its third year with much bigger coverage and impact. Among the 18,200 proposals from 1,060 schools, 1,511 proposals from 506 schools has made to the semi-final round. 28

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