Good Boss Essay

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The Characteristics of a Good Boss vs. a Bad Boss The similarities and difference of a good boss vs. a bad boss are about the same thing, it is all the way they manage In doing my research and from personal experience, it seems that even though there are many similarities between a good boss and a bad boss, there seems to be even more difference between them. In this essay, I will be describing what makes a good boss and what makes a bad boss. In my research, it has been mentioned that all bosses follow the same guidelines such as company policies, the code of ethics, and the legal aspect of their job but there are many things that makes them different. A good boss is one that will listen to their employees and off suggestions when needed. They will show support for decisions that a person makes. For example, my boss was one of the few that encouraged me to go back to school and earn a degree. On the other hand, a bad boss doesn’t seem to care about what you do at your job as long as you are doing something and will not encourage you to try to improve yourself or your job. There are days that my co-worker’s boss doesn’t even seem to care that she is at work and that she is just sitting there doing nothing. When there is a task to do, a good boss will give you the chance to do the task and not put you down to make you feel like you can’t do it or doesn’t give you the chance to volunteer for the tasks. Where I work, I have two different bosses that work there. My boss gives me the chance to work on different tasks just so that I can get the experience that is needed to do my job well. The other boss seems to find it easier to let someone else step up to the plate and have one of their employee’s works on the task before they will volunteer one of their own. A bad boss
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