Going the Extra Mile

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Going the extra mile: Cultivating and managing employee citizenship behavior Nicholas Ingman, Brianne Johnson, Paul Peterson, Paul Peterson MGMT 515 Dr. Sean Valentine 4/10/2013 Key Learning Objectives 1) Explain the definition of organizational citizen behavior (OCB). 2) Describe what organizations can do to cultivate OCB. 3) Describe the factors responsible for good organizational citizenship. 4) Describe how to manage and monitor OCB. 5) Explain what can happen when OCB is not properly managed. One of the greatest assets any organization can have is a dedicated workforce that consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty. Organizational citizenship behavior such as this is the key to success and what most managers want to cultivate in their workforce. The purpose of this paper is to examine the benefits of employing employees who exhibit organizational citizenship behavior, behaviors to look for during the hiring process, and how to develop employees to demonstrate organizational citizenship behavior. We will also look at the pitfalls employers may come across when organizational citizenship behavior is misused. The core of any great organization is committed employees who consistently go the extra mile. Hard work and dedication such as this is also known as organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). According to Marcia A Finkelstein, “OCB refers to employee activities that exceed formal job requirements and contribute to the effective functioning of an organization.” (Finkelstein, 2012, 1633). Southwest Airlines is a classic example of an organization bursting with employees who exhibit OCB. When you think of Southwest Airlines, you do not think about planes, you think about the competitive price they offer for flights and the free luggage policy that few competitors match. You think of

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