God Is a Shield

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God is a lot of things is he not? The Scriptures are full of nouns and adjectives that describe who God is. John 4:24 Says that God is Spirit….He has no body, no physical or measurable form…however he became visible in human form in the person of Jesus Christ, but His essence is invisible. God is changeless…Heb 1:12 says that God remains the same. He is not different from yesterday…He will be the same as he was today, tomorrow and forever. His power is limitless. He can do anything and everything. In Gen 18:14…God said..is there anything too difficult for me? Impossible is not in God’s vocabulary. God is also all knowing. He possess all knowledge And because he can be everywhere at all times….he can know everything simitamulasly. He knows your thought this morning…He not only know your thought but your motives as well… check it out!..look at Job 37:16, Psalm 147:5 and Hebrews 3:13 God is eternal, God is Holy, God is righteous, God is love…God is truth, God is wisdom….so many names for God… But the one that we are going to concentrate on this morning is one that captured my attention this week and that is: God is a Shield Now that’s pretty cool…God is shield….the picture of a shield I get is something like out of the movies like gladiator or brave heart or Camelot…I get a picture of something that looks similar to this plastic shield that we see in church Easter productions. In modern times we still use shields….when police go in on a raid or something…often they carry a shield…but they also wear a type of shield called a bullet proof vest. It is a protection against the enemy. Now the word shield in the Hebrew language is Magaw As a verb it means to defend, cover or surround As noun it means a place of defense It is also used as an adornment or ornament. A. A shield is a defense
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