Globalization Of Huawei

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Our case assignment focuses on the globalization and internationalization of one of the leading networks and software solutions provider in the world, Huawei. The case study is written and researched by Sunny Li Sun, who is a professor at the University of Texas at Dallas at the School of Management. He has had experience partnering, founding and co-founding various businesses and firms across China and now in the US, and understands the ins and outs of what an emerging business out of China has to go through and the kind of struggle it took for Huawei to establish itself as in international competitor, simply because he is a native and understands the national and economic hierarchy of China better. I have further researched his work along with the key foot notes and bullet points from the case study and the following is what I came across. The word Huawei is made up of two Chinese characters which translate into English as Magnificent and Achievement, meaning a Magnificent Achievement. It was found in 1988 by a former Military Technologist named Ren Zhengfei. Whose main motto was hard work, being goal oriented and focused at the task at hand, the key drivers of success for Huawei. The company initially started off by making PBX switches for communications machines. Until they hit the local market with a revolutionary 10k circuit switch for telecom companies in 1993, which no other company at the moment had been able to achieve in China. After that Huawei being ambitious and hardworking kept developing and expanding its operations and landed its first international contract in 1996, and since then they haven’t looked back, they have worked and collaborated with global giants such as Siemens, IBM and 3Com, expanding more and more into the international markets and making a bigger and better name for themselves. Part of the reason

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