Globalization: Eliminating Barriers

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Globalization is a trend of joining countries together economically, socially, informationally, industrially, politically, and many more. Even though, globalizing had been around for a long time, such as, “Islamic Golden Age when Muslim traders and explorers established an early global economy across the Old World resulting in a globalization of crops, trade, knowledge and technology” before the turn of 16th century. In modern term of globalization “is a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments of different nations international trades and investment and information technologies” never seen before. To most people, they think of as “to bring people of all nations closer together” as ‘the small world.’ Globalization is a way of eliminating barriers of country borders, to communicate in real-time overcoming time zones, language barriers to form a world language to allow everyone capability to communicate, and many more. Globalization has an effect on many words or terms such as American, Jewish, Muslim in related to religious level could change to one religion recognize by what might be called ‘multiculturalism’. It had been known here in America as “The melting pot” which many different cultural had and is still migrating into America now extends out to the rest of the world. There may be lots of pros or positives but it does not go without negatives or resistance. For example, “Islamic country may resist globalization because they see it as equivalent to westernization—weakening the religious strength of a country and exposing its people to corrupting ideas.” In addition, some people fear globalizing may have a negative effect on poor countries such as ‘sweat shop,’ whereas it had happen when ‘sweatshop’ was used by sports shoe manufacturers, in particular, Nike. The best positive side of these that were created are,
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