Global Warming vs Climate Change

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Global Warming The issue of global warming has become one of the most complicated issues facing world leaders today. It is defined as an increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere caused by an increase of carbon dioxide produced. This global warming temperature increase has been measured by scientists, but some do not think global warming is happening at all. I am in that group of people for the following reasons: there is not enough long term data, people are actively looking for evidence, and it could be a natural climate shift. To prove an upward trend in global temperatures, there needs to be significant long-term historical data, which we do not have. Data on global temperatures has only been collected for about 150 years. This is not long enough to show any significant changes in the earth’s temperature. Some scientists believe that there are those who want to find signs of global warming and are not interpreting the data with an open mind. They manipulate the evidence they find to help prove global warming exists. This contradicts the scientific process of analyzing data objectively. The earth’s climate is continuously changing. In the past there have been ice ages in addition to periods of warmer weather. These variations in weather were caused by natural climate changes, which could be what is happening today. As stated above, more data needs to be collected over a longer period of time to determine if it is indeed natural as opposed to man-made global warming. In conclusion, I don’t believe global warming is happening today. The earth is always cycling through changes and to take short-term data about temperature changes and interpret it as a man-made issue is incorrect. Sources:
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