Global Warming and Its Effect on T&T's Economy

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Global Warming, What is it? Some may think it’s just the heating of the earth’s surface and some, they may not even note or care about what it is and how it is affecting us. Global warming is the gradual increase of the earth’s surface due to the greenhouse effect. Global warming justifies many climatic questions, but global warming like any other answer has abounding factors that dispenses it and outcomes as a result of the effects. Global warming as a resultant of greenhouse gases commences from the many different cycles; such as the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. The cycle I will be looking at is the carbon cycle which is the flow of carbon through various processes in nature. Carbon is an element which is ubiquitous, from the smallest molecules, living organisms to even water. The carbon cycle starts out moderately but gradually builds up. Firstly, animals consume plants and these plants are comprised of carbon. When they consume this, their dry mass is increased and some of the extra carbon is then released into the atmosphere. If no organism is around to absorb the excess carbon, they would be in an environment with too much carbon gases. This is where the plants synthesize sunlight and the carbon dioxide released to convert it into plant material in order for growth. When logs are burnt, the carbon stored within the log is released into the atmosphere. Also, when animals decay, their remains stay within the soil for millions of years with carbon components within. Factories burn these remains for energy and this is known as fossilization. The Ocean is also a major carbon sink. Carbon is transported through oceans and large masses of water, when the algaecide components within ingests the carbon molecules composed in the water. These algaecides are then consumed by a larger organism most likely a fish. When this fish dies and decays the carbon stored
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