Global Culture Essay

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Global Culture is the idea of traditions becoming closer and combinations of culture are occurring. Sociologists predict the world is moving closer to, it’s the idea that cultures come to resemble each other is via the phenomenon of cultural diffusion. Popular Culture consists of beliefs, behaviours, objects and other characteristics common to the member of a particular group or society, it’s also the belief that through culture, people and groups define themselves, conform to society’s shared values and contribute to society. The two types of culture both contribute to our understanding in society. Global cultures have influenced each other through travel, trade and even invade. It includes electronic communications, such as telephones, e-mail, and fax machines. Global culture also includes the mass media, for example the television, radio and film businesses. From these communication facilities we may gain an understanding in how life has become easier due to this new advance in technology. Also, the mass media has bought advertisements and other commercial ideas to promote things and products, for example global brands such as Nike and McDonalds, who have benefitted from things and they are now symbols recognised across the world, therefore are making a bigger name for themselves. In 2004, sociologist Ritzer used brands that operate on a global scale, and had found out that they were very well known, probably due to the idea of global culture. Mass/Popular Culture makes it easy to understand entertainment, rather than splitting up or specialising. Most entertainment is aimed at the mass population, to get more recognition and maybe more money. Popular culture may include mass circulation magazines, extensive coverage of celebrities, ‘real top’ tabloid newspapers, such as ‘The Mirror’ and the ‘The Sun’ where it is easier to understand certain people’s
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