If they were all powerful gods couldn’t they have somehow blocked out all the sounds of mankind or even send some kind of warning to the people? In the Book of Genesis God decided that mankind was becoming too wicked, and God was sorry he created them. (Gen. 6:6). I thought that God’s reason made more sense to me; he saw his creation become something he had not intended it to be corrupted and full of evil and he could not stand it. In The Epic of Gilgamesh the gods planned to wipe out everyone, but the god Ea decides to warn Utnapishtim because he was a worshiper of him.
In the bible, God decided that there was too much evil in the world and decided to flood the earth for forty days and nights. God picked Noah to build an ark to save two of each animal and regenerate mankind after the flood. In both The Epic of Gilgamesh, and the Bible, a story of a great flood occurs these stories compare in several significant ways. Utnapishtim was chosen to survive the great flood because he was a true worshipper of the god Ea, who came to warn Utnapishtim about the flood. Noah was the only man on earth who found grace in the eyes of god.
(Gn 6:9-6:10) The God of Israel gives Noah the task of building an ark for the flood that will destroy mankind and all of their wickedness. (Gn 6:14-6:17) The god of Israel gives tells Noah how to build the ark and to put one female and one male of every kind of animal onto his ark. (Gn 6:19-6:21) When the animals arrived his wife and three sons and put them on the board the ark. The god of Israel floods the Earth for forty days and forty nights and the remained for one hundred and fifty days. (Gn 7:6-7:23) After the waters recedes Noah and his family release the animals and Noah sets off to build an alter.
and is part of the Epic of Gilgamesh (an epic that is known as the oldest piece of literature) and Noah’s story was released over a couple thousand years later; although this has no impact on the similarities and non similar things of the stories. Some of the similarities of these stories are more towards the fundamental things. Both of these stories spoke of a flood that was meant to wipe out all of humanity. The reason this flood was going to happen is because God became sick of humanity so he felt that he had to destroy it and start over again. So a chosen one (both Utnapishtim and Noah) was told to build a boat to survive this genocide and continue the human race.
The main character of the Biblical flood is a man named Noah. The main character in the flood of the Epic of Gilgamesh is a man named Utnapishtim. Both Noah and Utnapishtim had a personal knowledge of God or the gods. Noah’s God informed him that a flood would soon come to rid the world of the wickedness of humankind. The god Ea revealed to Utnapishtim, by speaking to the walls of his house, that the gods were to rid the earth of all humanity by means of a flood (Gilgamesh, tablet XI).
“Nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God”(Bible). Another example of Christian influence is the character Grendel. “Descended from the race of Cain, Grendel bore the age old curse, the mark of murder, of his death-dealing ancestor” (Rosenberg). Cain, who was the first born son of Adam and Eve, was cursed for murdering his brother Abel. “A mark was put upon him to warn others that killing Cain would provoke the vengeance of God, that if someone did something to harm Cain, the damage would come back sevenfold” (Wikipedia).
She then convinced Adam to take some too, and right there was when sin started to spread. Shortly after in Genesis 4, we see that sin is spreading farther when Cain kills his brother Abel. This is only the beginning of the spread. In Genesis 6, we see that the reason why God flooded the Earth was because man had become so wicked that “every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” Sin had spread throughout the world and infested in men’s hearts to the point that it made God “grieve that he
Drowning the Roman soldiers leaving there chariots and armory at the bottom of the sea. The last biblical evidence is the findings of Noah's ark. Shown in the Bible of a story, this man name Noah was to build an ark for every two of the same species of animals to go on the ark because God saw going to flood the earth because of the flood in the
Jack Shorb Contradictions in the Bible In the view of the Jewish faith, God is all knowing and omnipotent. Throughout the Bible contradictions are made with what role God plays in human’s decisions. In the story of Noah and the flood, God floods the world to wipe out everything except for a pair of every animal and human. If God is all knowing, he knew that the world he was creating was going to turn to a point where God would become frustrated enough to kill everyone. Why than did God create the world only to destroy it.
Gilgamesh traveled to see this man and hear his story, and it is his story that forms the flood narrative component within the Epic of Gilgamesh. On the surface, the two texts do share numerous similarities, the most obvious of which concerns the fact that both stories feature a catastrophic flood that destroys mankind. In the book of Genesis, God says to Noah, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the Earth” (Genesis, 6:4, pg. 14, verse 7), as well as further saying, “I am going to put an end to all people” (Genesis, 6:4, pg. 14, verse 13).