Ghana National Drug Policy

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V160 Policy Paper GHANA NATIONAL DRUG POLICY The policy I have chosen to examine and argue is Ghana’s National Drug Policy. The availability of pharmaceuticals has always been an issue in Ghana, and also the drugs being unsafe or ineffective, and has led to a loss of confidence in the health care system. The drugs that are not readily available to everyone in Ghana are very important in promoting health, managing diseases and/or preventing them, but they still can be harmful to the person consuming them if they are used inappropriately. The inappropriate drug use may cause a large financial burden and social problems throughout the country, but this is the reason why the state needs to ensure that functions in the national drug policy need to be clear and utilized effectively. The Ghana drug policy is implemented to provide it’s citizens with high quality drugs at low, affordable prices, to develop a professional standard in the country, to help enact drug regulations, and to promote the logical use of drugs. The government can implement the National Drug Policy in various different ways of participation by the main people in the pharmaceutical sector. There isn’t exactly one area of the government that can be considered responsible for meeting the goals of the National Drug Policy. But at least the very existence of this document proves that the government is aware of the problems Ghana faces in its pharmaceutical sector. It creates a basis for the implementation of this policy within the pharmaceutical sector. But in the implementation of this policy, the Ministry of Health and other similar ministries in Ghana have faced numerous problems. Since Ghana is not a fully developed country it has under-developed machinery to ensure the enforcement of laws and regulations, and that results in poor compliance from the Ghana natives. There is
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