Gettysburg Address Book Report

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Gabriel Diaz U.S History 9/9/12 June 29, 1863 1. Harrison, a Confederate spy During the daytime at Taneytown, Pennsylvania at Gettysburg. I rode into the darkest part of the woods and dismounted off my horse . The day was horribly hot and there was no wind at all. I was hiding myself behind a boulder and began to count flags. I counted at least 20,000 men which means there is two whole Union Corps. I could make out that one of the Corps were wearing the familiar black hats of the Iron Brigade, troops that belonged to John Reynolds First Corps. I have never seen the Army of the Potomac move that fast. I think that some of them would died today with this horrible heat. Finally I rode off into cool dark and went slowly downhill toward the…show more content…
Early thinks it would be a difficult fight, but if Longstreet attacks the left flank, it might draw enough Union troops to the south to make an attack by Ewell and Early worthwhile. Lee mentions Longstreet’s suggestion that they move the army southeast and come between the Union army and Washington, D.C. Ewell thinks that to leave the town, which they have captured, would demoralize the troops, and Early thinks it unwise to move an entire army around the high, fortified position that the Union forces are holding. Privately, to himself, Lee agrees that it would be extremely difficult to move the army without Stuart and his cavalry to guide…show more content…
Arthur Fremantle Early morning, Confederate camp, English military observer Arthur Fremantle awakens. Excited at the prospect of watching another battle today. He chats with other foreign observers, most notably a fat Austrian named Ross, and he marvels at how wonderful it is to be in the camp of what he thinks is the winning side. He rides to Gettysburg and climbs a tree to get a good view of the scene. He sees the officers meeting to discuss the plans for the day. Lee arrives to meet with Longstreet, and Fremantle conscious that the soldiers are laughing at him as he hangs in a tree comes down. He speaks briefly with Ross, who is dressed in his bright blue, amusing war costume, complete with a metal helmet. Fremantle is quite unaware of the grave nature of the battle, and he always believes that the gentlemanly South will naturally win the war. He is delighted and a bit nervous at the first sound of the cannon. Fremantle asks Longstreet why the Confederates have not entrenched, wondering why they are not worried about a Union attack. Longstreet replies that Meade would never attack, and also that the Union forces are so fortified in their position that they would not want to

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