Getting Ready for Inclusion

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Lesson 5 Mandatory Graded Assignment Getting Ready for Inclusion Negative reinforcement occurs when something unpleasant has stopped due to the action taken. This may lead to the child using the unpleasant behavior to achieve his/her desire. An example would be a child learning how to toilet train and refuses to go to the bathroom in the toilet. The negative reinforcement would be if the parent or caregiver gives up and puts a diaper or pull up on the child. The child learns that if he or she refuses, the parent will allow the diaper or pull up. Intrinsic reinforcement provides feelings of pleasure and personal satisfaction received from working on or accomplishing a task, discovering something new, or solving a problem. An example would be a child learning how to tie his shoes and finally accomplishing it. Positive reinforcement is a pleasant consequence causing a high probability of increasing whatever behavior preceded it. A child learning to potty train gets a reward such as a piece of candy or Hershey kiss when successful in the potty give a high probability of the successes to happen more often. Natural consequences are consequences that would occur without a teacher or parents help. For example, a child licks the top of a pepper shaker and his or her tongue burns is less likely to lick the pepper shaker again. Logical consequences are consequences that and adult creates and enforces in order to teach the child important lessons. An example would be that if a child refuses to at least try the vegetables served at dinner, that child would not be able to have dessert. Withdrawing or withholding reinforces is a form of adult social reinforcement that is taking something away when inappropriate behavior is not decreasing. An example would be a child frequently hitting other children in the daycare. The teacher or caregiver takes away
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