Geostrategy and Geopolitic of Indonesia

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1. Introduction 1.1. Background Geographically, Indonesia lies between 2 oceans and 2 continents. Indonesia is the archipelagic country which consists of thousands island. Those thousand islands are also occupied by many tribes which make Indonesia rich in languages, culture, and religion. This diversity could become the uniqueness but also become the threats for Indonesia unity. For example, Aceh and Papua had tried to separate from Indonesia Nation. Indonesia also faces the threats by neighbor countries. For example, Ambalat, Sipadan and Ligitan islands has been seized by Malaysia. Having such condition, Indonesia, as a nation, should think about the strategy to defend our nation. Therefore, Indonesia has geopolitics and geostrategy to defend the existence of Indonesia Nation. 1.2. Problem of Research (identification and formulation) * Lack of Indonesian nationalism and consciousness as an archipelago nations * Lack of attention and knowledge to the aspects of geography in determining policy. * Weak implementation of legislation. 1.3. Objectives and Goals * Understand geopolitics & geostrategy and its practice in Indonesia * Determine whether Indonesia’s National security has been enough to protect its unity * Determine concerns of Indonesian people in national defense 1.4. Advantages By doing the research, groups can understand more about geopolitics, geostrategy, and its practices in Indonesia. Groups also can determine whether Indonesia’s National security has been enough to protect its unity or not. If National security hasn’t been enough to protect the Nation, groups should determine what concerns of the problems and give suggestion to fix and strengthen Indonesia’s national security. 1.5. Thinking Frame work 1. Background of problems 2. Theories 3. History of

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