Georgia Prison Case Study

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Explaining the process that an accused just entering the Georgia Prison’s System, after a conviction and sentencing through the Courts. CRJU 1030 Corrections Assignment 1 Evans, Kristy Introduction: If you was an accused just entering the Georgia Prison after a conviction and sentencing through the court what would you do. First the offender is brought in to the reception center by their county sheriff’s deputies, they are photographed, showered and fingerprinted. They will be giving clothes which are known as “prison blues” to wear during their processing along with a kit which will have the following items, deodorant, soap and tooth paste. They also check to see if there is any pending charges that remains and a prisoner file is created, which…show more content…
A plea bargaining allows both parties to avoid a long criminal trail and it may also allow the criminal defendant to avoid risk of conviction trail on a more serious charge. A defendant entering a plea must sign a statement certifying that they comprehend the plea, and are entering into the agreement voluntary and without begin pressured. An Example will be if a defendant is charged with a felony theft charged, the conviction would be imprisonment in a state prison. The offender may have the opportunity to plead guilty to a misdemeanor theft charge, which will carry over to jail time. If a judge perceives that the plea bargain is too lenient the judge has the right to reject the plea and order of the prosecuting and the defense to renegotiate. Defendants that are pleading guilty as a result of the plea agreement must acknowledge their plea in open court. Defendant who pleads guilty after the plea has been negotiations do not surrender their right to an appeal; their conviction goes to the Appellate Division of Superior Courts. Also if a defendant pleading guilty to a crime
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