George Washington And Presidency

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The advice George Washington gave to the American Public as well as its political leaders was inspiring and heroic, however the advice he had given was taken seriously but varied amongst the American people and its political officials. Washington briefly described he didn’t expect every word he wrote in his farewell to have a great impact on how American politics were ran or an impression on the American people but to learn from and understand his decisions during his presidency. The three principles he followed during his argument to keep the new nations government successful and thriving were sectional antagonisms, baneful effects of the spirit of party, and lastly avoidance of creating permanent alliances but creating temporary alliances for dangerous emergencies. Although the American people now had say so in how the government was ran and it’s decisions, it was up to the politicians how the advice George Washington gave would be taken seriously and carried out. Washington brought his concerns to the American people by trying to persuade them that their independence, safety, and liberty were all to be determined by the unity of their states. Since their union of the states was created by the Constitution it would be the most stable source of security while it would come down to the most frequent attacks. Washington’s main focus was to attract the people to look past their religion, and political views and put their liberty and independence as their main priority. Through 7 presidents from 1800-1840 Washington’s speech seemed to remind each leader to keep the American peoples liberty above all else. For example the boom of the market revolution in the first half of the nineteenth century a great transformation took place as innovation in transportation and communication took place. “In rapid succession, the steamboat, canal, railroad and telegraph wrenched
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