Gentrification : an Ethical Dilemma in a Changing World

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GENTRIFICATION : AN ETHICAL DILEMMA IN A CHANGING WORLD INTRODUCTION Today's urban areas have evolved from manufacturing focused hubs to community based centers focused on services. With that change a heavily debated issue of gentrification has arisen. Areas previously occupied by low income manual laborers are being converted to trendy middle class neighborhoods. Understanding what gentrification is, why it is an ethical issue, who is making the decisions, and what the effects of the decision to gentrify a neighborhood are will provide the basis for an informed opinion on this growing topic. Each of the sections below will examine an aspect related to the benefits and detriments of gentrification, and will allow for a cohesive understanding of an issue that will continue to be hotly contested, not just in the United States but globally. As discussed below, gentrification is not without its benefits. A better neighborhood infrastructure is put in place through increased neighborhood investment, urban areas are re-born as the new residents move in and bring with them their own culture and there is the potential for a reduction in some types of crime. However these benefits come at a steep cost. Entire populations of people are displaced, the strong community support system relied upon heavily by the urban residents is removed, and the infrastructure that the poorer residents rely on for their specific needs is taken away. An ethical issue is a problem, situation, or opportunity that requires an individual or group of individuals to choose among actions. Gentrification is an issue that has far reaching impacts in the communities that it affects that if not addressed from an ethical standpoint will cause problems to arise for generations to come. Based on how decisions to gentrify are made, the harmful effects to entire populations of economically
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