Gentleman Essay

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A True Gentleman By Brendan O’Connell The definition of a gentleman is a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man. Cardinal Newman goes much deeper into this. His definition of a gentleman is, "One who never inflicts pain". "This description", he says, "is both refined and, as far as it goes, accurate. ”To me, a gentleman is one who possessed the skills and knowledge to be reverent and respectful to all. A true gentleman is able to respect, treat all as he would want them to treat him, and be mindful of his actions. A man who is able to respect everyone around him shows true aspects of forbearance. It sometimes is difficult to respect another’s decisions or actions. Although some think it can be quite wimpy, walking away deserves the upmost appreciation. To be able to respect someone, you must also need to be able to value their opinions. Respecting someone also means to value them in a whole. Another aspect of respect is reverence. Gentlemen have high regards to treating others how they would want to be treated. The Golden rule has always “treat others the way you want to be treated.” This could be used for positive or negative actions. If you would not want someone harassing or treating you with disrespect, then you should not do that to others. On the other hand, if you see someone in need, you should help them as if you would want someone helping you in times of need. Whether it be towards a positive or negative action, a gentleman will treat others with reverence. A gentleman is mindful of his actions. It was once said “Choose your words carefully. Once they are spoken, they can only be forgiven, never forgotten.” A gentleman will always watch what he says and does. If someone asks a gentleman for anything, he will wait a second or two to think of what he is saying, and what kind of effect it could have. He will also watch what he does.
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