Gendered Power Hierarchies Within Society

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Gendered power-relations are so inculcated within society through history, disciplinary techniques, ways of knowing, ways of seeing, education, and media images, that gendered power has become a subconscious acceptance of almost all members within a society. It is through certain disciplinary techniques, stereotypes, education, and ways of knowing, that a gendered power hierarchy is rooted into societies. Subtly or not, these disciplinary and panoptic mechanisms of education are presented differently throughout society and play a relentless role in the formation of people’s ethos. Authors John Berger, Michael Foucault, Susan Griffin, and Susan Bordo; harmonized with filmmaker Sut Jhally, bring to the attention of their readers and viewers how gender is organized through power relations, where gendered power resides, how gendered-power relations work to discipline men and women. Through the arguments and opinions of these authors and filmmaker, it is clear that gendered power hierarchies reside within the society in which we live and are reinforced through certain techniques of discipline and power. The roots of gendered power go deep into the soil of human action and opinion. Never is a gender-driven ethos the sole product of one’s own self. Panoptic power in society creates ways of knowing within all communities that indirectly, directly, and subconsciously endorse the nurturing and promotion of the surrender of individual’s feelings and beliefs that in turn, render their actions. In John Berger’s essay, Ways of Seeing, Berger explains that, “The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe” (97), and our frames of reference about any certain subject are determined by people in panoptic power. Therefore, those in panoptic power shape societies ethos by way of media images and disciplinary techniques such as advertisements and stereotypes. In

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