Gender Roles and Relationships Have Become More Equal in Modern Family Life

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Some sociologists such as Young and Willmotts that thought in modern day families there was more of a symmetry with husbands and wives doing house work whereas there are other sociologists such as Ann Oakley that still think that women are doing most of the housework and there is a clear difference in the housework done by the men and the women. Young and Willmotts (1973) take a ‘March of progress’ view of the history of the family. Young and Willmotts thought that family life was slowly but surely improving and the roles in the family were becoming more equal and f symmetrical. This means that the roles of the husbands and the wives are similar or the same. They argue that because women now have part-time or full-time jobs the men help out more with housework and childcare. Young and Willmotts found that most of the husbands they interviewed helped around the house once a week. In their research Young and Willmott found that couples are spending more time together rather then the male going out to the pub with work mates so the father and the children are also spending more time together as well as with the mother. It was between the years of 1841-1914 were women were excluded from paid work and confide to the home. This is where the increase of females’ domestic work started. Women were full-time housewives where they spent the whole day doing housework and looking after the children when they came home from school. The men were the breadwinners of the house and spent little time at home. They would go out to the pubs with work mates and spend little leisure time with their children and wives. Feminist Ann Oakley (1974) disagreed with Young and Willmotts view and said that yes, men were helping more around that house but women still did the majority of the work, but argued that the research they did was inaccurate as the husbands they interviewed said

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